WPA announces new Region 12 Director Casey Gotcher
Words from Casey:
“I have been paddling for about 6 years now. I was one of the first few people here in Texas doing it. Now there are thousands of people paddling here. Some on their own boards, some rent them or belong to paddle clubs. I was turned on to the sport by a friend in San Clemente. I told him I wanted to get a longboard, so I could start surfing again. I grew up in SoCal, and lived in Newport Beach for several years. I hadn’t surfed in many years, but wanted to give it another go. He told me I should try paddle boarding, since I could also do it on the local lakes here in Austin, as well as surfing when on the coast. I thought he was talking about Prone Paddling at first, which I had no real interest in doing, since I have some neck and knee problems. Once he explained what Stand Up Paddling was, I was totally fixated on it. I spent $2000 buying a board, paddle, bag, etc. before I had ever even tried it. It was kind of a blind faith thing. Looking back, it was one of the best decisions I have ever made. It has changed my life in so many positive ways. I am now in better shape, less stressed out, and have made so many great friendships. Most of my best friends are my paddle friends these days. I started racing here in Austin, back in the beginning, at SUP Jam. Been doing it ever since. While I don’t love the training aspect, committing to racing does force you to train, which in turn, leads to getting into better shape. That, and the camaraderie are why I race.”
If you wish to contact me:
Casey Gotcher