
Instructor Application Info

Anyone who is interested in becoming a WPA Certified Instructor must submit their background with credentials for review by the WPA Instruction Board. The board will select the best-qualified applicants and determine the each applicant’s initial potential certification level.

PLEASE NOTE:  The WPA Class I course and higher levels require the attendees to have prior instructor experience and to give an instructor the best practices in the sport of stand up paddling and to pass on to your future lesson plans as listed with class curriculum outline. 

All instructors will need to complete Class I and may petition for Class II level instructor or a Class II Teaching level instructor one year from receiving Class I certification and to be current with yearly dues.  Some instructors may be evaluated for a higher status based on their instructor credentials and background that should include experience in the following areas but not limited to:

  • Water safety:  Lifeguard, Harbor Patrol, Boating Safety and instructor.
  • Safety Authority:  Fire, Police, Paramedic, EMT, Doctor, Nurse and instructor.
  • Water Sports background:  competitive and instructor.
  • Water knowledge:  Ocean, surf, lake, river, and white water.
  • Achievements:   list all water sports and other applicable background.
  • Instructor/Coach:  list all water sports and other applicable sports.

Group and or company classes can be requested with seven or more that needs to be reserved at least 3 weeks in advance and to include all of the above requirements for each applicant.

We look forward to providing the best practices with stand up paddling water safety education to pass on for your future lesson plans and staff.  Feel free to contact us if you need additional information via e-mail to

Acceptance into the Program

Applicants will be notified by e-mail from a Class II or higher level instructor informing that he/she has been approved to attend a course.

Securing Your Spot

Once you have been approved you may contact a WPA Class II Teaching instructor or higher level of your choice to attend a class.  WPA class dates will be posted on the WPA website and facebook with future dates.  Once you confirm a class with a WPA Class II or higher Teaching instructor you will be required to send a deposit of 50% of the total course fee (except online exams or Class II Teaching) that will secure your spot in the stated class and date and will be applied toward your course fees. Course fees must be paid in full prior to the start of the course.

Anyone that cannot attend a class and has placed a deposit, the deposit will be applied to a future WPA class for you to attend with the same instructor.  Depending on the cancellation date an instructor may refund a deposit less any administrative fees and class materials.

The deposit and course fees are payable via [LINK: Pay Pal on the WPA website].

Refund and Cancellation Policy

Student Reschedule or Cancellations

Because the WPA has the highest commitment to quality courses with small instructor to student ratios, instructors need to be booked in advance and may not be able to issue refunds for cancellations with a course that has been set up. However, a instructor may reschedule your course date with administration fees as follows:

  • More than 14 days notice: you can move to another course location and/or date with a $25 administration fee.
  • 8-14 days notice: you can move to another course location and/or date with an administration fee of 25% of your deposit.
  • Less than 7 days notice: you can move to another course location and/or date with an administration fee of 50% of the total course cost.

Please inquire about each class instructors policies that may NOT exceed the listed cancellation fees.

WPA Cancellations

The WPA will do everything possible to avoid having to cancel or postpone our courses. There are a few times when this will be unavoidable.

Weather postponements: if a course date needs to be cancelled or postponed due to poor weather then we will substitute pool sessions for the open water sessions and you will be given the option to finish any missing course segments at another date.

If you need to finish missing course segments for reasons other than weather cancellations you can do so for $75/day during a future course date.

Insufficient attendance: WPA reserves the right to cancel and reschedule any course date if there are less than 4 students registered.  Please inquire about all policies with your preferred instructor.